Fat Tuesday – Pancake Day w/ a Twist: Mini Pancake Muffins


Of course the, recipe today is pancakes. But it’s not just your regular pancakes.

We made mini pancakes muffins.

I have never even pondered these before, and it’s such a simple idea. I got the idea from Ree Drummond’s (The Pioneer Woman) website. She is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. They looked so ridiculously cute and scrumptious that I knew I had to try them today.

I woke up less than bright eyed and bushy tailed, but I was still stoked to try these little gems. (Side note: a synonym for gem is muffin. Perfection right?) All you do is use your favorite pancake recipe, from scratch or mix (but please try from scratch if you have never tried before. I was a Bisquick user before and I will never go back now!)  I used my trusty pancake mix from Martha Stewart. (Site and recipe found here.) These are my absolute favorites. *Side Note- If/when using this recipe, make sure you mix pretty well. I caught a couple pockets of baking powder in mine and it wasn’t super pleasant. There was a lack of mixing because my child was climbing up me like Mount Everest. I wanted them made NOW.  Also, try cutting down the salt too. I found that I could taste the salt in it more than regular pancakes. Weird I know…*

With a preheated oven at 425˚,and after the batter is prepared, grease some mini muffin pans. Fill with the batter till they’re 2/3 -3/4 of the way full. Pop them in the oven for 8-9 minutes. Carefully removing them, put on a platter with a side of maple syrup.

Pour yourself a cup of freshly made french press coffee (process found here), reflect on how easy that was and dig in!!

These are great if you have a big group of people/kids so you don’t have to stand slaving over a griddle. You can also throw in some blueberries if you’re into that sort of thing. (I don’t like blueberries so I shy away from them…) Or any other favorite pancake enhancer. Like always, get creative. You only live from experience. YOLFE.

I’m so making that a thing.


The Wife

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