The Best Fourth in the North 2015

Two weekends ago, The Chef and I put in a 50 hour work weekend. We. Were. Dead. Three events, back to back, is not something I recommend, nor prefer. To this day, I still don’t know how we made it through. Every hour we were counting the minutes, getting us to the next hour, next task, next day, next event. We dreamed of collapsing into our lack-of-time-unmade bed. On Sunday, we could see the light. We got through, packed up, and started to come home at about 11pm (which was the earliest by a long shot we had been coming home). Then I got the call. 

The Child was throwing up. 

What?! No! I get to go to sleep now! That was the plan! Parenthood. Always throwing you curveballs and making you, once again, an AMC late night special of the Walking Dead. Curse you for making me so unbearably exhausted but still love it enough to give me the energy for cleaning yam-yam at midnight, while going on 3 hours of sleep and an 18 hour workday. 

We needed to get out of dodge. We packed our bags and headed north! 

We camped out at Oma’s (the wife’s mom) lake house, to soak up as much freaking tranquility that the good Lord could muster. And other than the mishap of The Dog running through the tent, leaving a lab/Shepard size hole in the screen, due to fireworks being set off, it was heaven. The Child fished and played with cousins, The Chef played pyrotechnic, and I lounged on an oversized floating island from Costco. 

We may or may not have threw a tantrum when we had to leave on Monday. 


  One of my happy places

   My seester ❤ <3… And the best photobomb ever 

   My love
   The works of fire! 

We are now counting down until the next time we get to go back up. Good thing we love what we do! Work’s not work when you’re having fun! 

-The Everyday Chef and Wife 










Our Fall Trip in Northern Michigan

I keep breaking promises, don’t I? I am failing miserable at getting more delicious recipes to you. But don’t give up on me yet! The Chef and I are rescheduling our hectic calenders so we can fit way more in. I miss it!

In the meantime, I’ll tell you about our adventures up north. I had a photography job up in my hometown of Cheboygan, so The Chef and I decided to take a much needed mini vacay and stay for a few days with my mumsie. The trees were in their prime for fall colors. It felt like we had jumped the pond over to somewhere in Europe. We went for a drive over to Harbor Springs, and drove through the tunnel of trees. Can I just say I AM DYING TO LIVE THERE!! As it has been proven many times over, Michigan, especially the coast of Michigan, is the most beautiful place in America. No questions asked.

I feel like if I wrote out everything, it would be a book. And probably only interesting to me. So I’ll show pictures in hopes that you find it a bit more appealing and entertaining. I’ll give quick narration along the way.

Now some of these are taken on the iphone, so bare with me if the quality is sub-par….

The Tunnel of Tree’s around Harbor Springs.

Can you beat this countryside?? It’s a poor man’s trip to Ireland.The Everyday Chef and Wife

We stopped off at the cutest little General Store off of M119. They had a “free little library” (something I’ve always wanted to see), and we treated ourselves to a Pumpkin Spice Topper. It was like a pumpkin spiced cream cheese whoopie pie. Holy amazing, Batman!

Next we stopped at Pond Hill Farm. Such a cute place! The Child L.O.V.E.D all the animals. It was his Christmas morning. He even got to sit in a huge tractor (another dream come true for him)! You can tell The Chef thoroughly enjoyed himself as well… So glad Oma took us to this little gem! Check them out if you’re ever in the area!

We stopped by Petoskey because The Chef had never really wandered through the town, and while there we had sandwiches at Symon’s General Store. I still dream about that sandwich. From the outside you wouldn’t guess they would offer to-go sandwiches (much less AH-mazing sandwiches), but it’s a secret that needs to be shared! Eat there! Have the Shipwreck sandwich. You won’t regret it. AND highlight for me was seeing my friend, Sarah Tule’s (May), artwork displayed in one of the galleries downtown! I squealed “Hey! I know her!!!” and did a little happy dance for her success!! I love seeing my friends following their dreams!!

I seriously couldn’t get over the GORGEOUSNESS!!


The Child loved to go on “safari’s” through the property.

And probably my favorite part of the photographs… Our wonderfully talented, flying dog. He loves them apples…

It was a fun-filled break, as you can see. We are now back in the office (a.k.a the dining room table) and putting our heads to the grindstone to continue on this ever-learning adventure of being small business owners. We are loving it!!

Follow us on instagram for more daily life insights into our life at @thechefandwife!

See you soon!!

-The Everyday Chef and Wife-

Our Day in the Sun

Holy relaxing day batman!

My (The Wife’s) family was getting together over at my moms first cousins house over on Lake Angelus, MI. The Chef and I were super excited because we were going to see family we hadn’t seen since Christmas, including my moms cousin who sent me an amazing cookbook featuring recipes from the refugee women who fled from different cultures to America. The pictures are gorgeous and the recipes are authentic and look incredible. I have been biting at the bullet to try out some of the dishes. I think that will be my fall project.

I was really excited to be able to chat more with Rosalie (said cousin) and spend time at her place. I have the best memories there. It is the coziest lake house/cabin that I have ever stepped foot in. It is filled with antiques past down from generations. It’s surrounded by trees, but has huge yard for Eli (our pooch) and The Child to run around with the picturesque Lake Angelus at the bottom of the knoll. I could not wait to get my relaxation on!

Sunday night the other family members left and we had already planned to spend the night. Miah and Rosalie spent the evening reading books on the four season porch and The Chef and I cleaned up from the day. Rosalie insisted that we shouldn’t and was saying how many dishes we did and I explained that the amount was a fraction of the dishes that we created in a single day (with only three people) when The Chef is cooking…

The next morning we woke up and immediately went down to the lake. Rosalie made a pot of tea and English muffins with homemade strawberry jam her daughter had made. The weather was perfection so we ate outside. The rest of the day was spent down at the lake soaking up rays, playing in the water, eating grilled cheese with avocado, getting a family history from Aunt Mimi, who stopped by, and Rosalie, and soaking up more sun.

It was heaven.

Our arrival. Isn't this just the cutest house ever??

Our arrival. Isn’t this just the cutest house ever??

Miah was super excited to be here...

Miah was super excited to be here…

Playing in water. We had a break through! He actually started to like it!

Playing in water. We had a break through! He actually started to like it!

Lake Angelus

Early morning riser. Couldn’t wait to get down to the lake!

Mommy and Son. Whenever he sees the camera (or iphone) he says "pictures!" I have a future photographer on my hands... Hashtag proud

Mommy and Son. Whenever he sees the camera (or iphone) he says “pictures!” I have a future photographer on my hands… Hashtag proud

Daddy and Son time. Talking about life and fish.

Daddy and Son time. Talking about life and fish.

Getting our morning tea ready with German rock sugar.

Getting our morning tea ready with German rock sugar.

A perfect breakfast of tea and English muffins with homemade strawberry jam

A perfect breakfast of tea and English muffins with homemade strawberry jam

The front of the house, through trees.

The front of the house, through trees.

I don't think it could look more tranquil if it tried...

I don’t think it could look more tranquil if it tried…

Getting my relaxation on

Getting my relaxation on

My brave boy

My brave boy

Though he is in P.J's, he is fierce!

Though he is in P.J’s, he is fierce!

A water battle about to commence...

A water battle about to commence…

Eli’s tail is droopy from sore muscles caused by full days of swimming. He is still sleeping it off. And we are counting down the days until we can go back.

Thank you Rosalie for such a memorable and relaxing mini vacay! We cannot wait for our return!! Next time we need to get you in some pictures too!

-The Everyday Chef and Wife… And Child… And Dog-


Mexico Here We Come!!

The Chef and I are on our way to Mexico with some of our best friends for the next 6 days!! We are missing the kiddos (Jeremiah and dog child Eli) We are super excited and can’t wait to be in weather that doesn’t fluctuate in temperature by 40 deg in a given hour. We are staying in Akumal so if any of you wonderful people have any hot spots to hit up let us know!!

We are hoping (given there’s good wifi) to document our adventures (especially when we get our hands on some killer food). So stay tuned for updates! Subscribe/follow/check back in for hilarity, because it literally follows us everywhere.

Here we go!!!!!


-The Everyday Chef and Wife-